Hollywood Late Night With Rocco

Ep4 - Frosty the Snow Man: Special Guest Kevin Brewerton



Rocco welcomes the audience to the Christmas Episode and gets a clap going. Moonlight Mike is very excited about their Special Guest this evening; World Champion Kick Boxer, Abstract Expressionist Artist, and Actor Kevin Brewerton. “Rocco’s Biggest Jerk Off of the Week” award goes to Donald Trump for his ignorant remarks regarding Immigration Reform. Rocco might have a change of heart! Rocco and Moonlight Mike fight in one round of their improvisational segments called, “Wrestlers at the Water Cooler”. Rocco’s “LIVE” version of Decoy Sex Candles Commercial. This commercial can be seen on “Late Night with Rocco” Youtube Channel. There’s a monkey in the audience, and kids. Rocco, Moonlight Mike, and One Man Band Ben talk about Christmas Traditions around the world, KFC in Japan, and Krampus in Germany. The Dooorbell rings and it’s Actor, Director and also 5 time World Champion Kick Boxer, Kevin Brewerton. Kevin talks about growing up in the UK. He also talks about “Martial Arts”. Kevin Brewerton is named the “J