Hollywood Late Night With Rocco

Ep44 - "Noun Sounds" and a "Calamity of Words"



Join the "Hollywood Late Night" cast in, what's ALMOST a "calamity of words", as opinions are flying all over the place on this episode. Another "shout-out" to Rocco's childhood buddy, "Taj-Kamau Robinson, Singer/Songwriter/Rapper, who created the new "HLN Theme Song", Party with Roc". The cast gets two unexpected "rings of the doorbell", just in time to shake things up a bit. First, returning guest from Episode 41, Comedian; Josh Rosenberg from the "World Famous Shit Show", www.worldfamousshitshow.com, stops by and won't leave. Rocco and Josh go "Head-to-Head" as "Joe Pesci, and Jew Pesci". Next, actor Chris Ready, from the TV series, "Unusual Suspects", pops by after almost getting assaulted in "Mr. Rocco's Neighborhood" just moments before. There are a bunch of kids in the audience this episode, as usual, and evidently one of their dads had some acting advice for Chris in the parking lot. Sarah Sunshine reminds Rocco, repeatedly that, "this is no place for kids". What else... oh yeah, Josh breaks the "HLN