
The New Normal #02 | The Power of a Student Workforce | Joe Black and Oli Jacobs, Co-Founders @ UniTaskr



As COVID-19 takes grip, forcing many vulnerable people into self-Isolation, UniTaskr is on a mission to galvanise their 10,000 strong workforce of low-risk students to help make a difference to those who need it most. They have recently launched the #Task4Help initiative which will be available to anyone who requires assistance. Building on the back of their hugely successful 2019 #Task4Homeless campaign, #Task4Help has already helped hundreds of people. In this episode of The New Normal, Joseph Black and Oliver Jacobs talk about they launched #Task4Help within a week, how COVID-19 has brought the collaboration of the young working to help the older generation and what positives have come out of COVID-19 for UniTaskr.