I Am Citizen Abels

Unboxing Adam & Eve’s Complete Lovers Kit Adult Toy Sampler



In this episode of “I Am Citizen Abels,” recorded on March 16, 2020 during the emerging droplets of the Coronavirus pandemic (just a little levity), The Citizen unboxes the “Complete Lovers Kit” adult toy sampler from his former employer, Adam & Eve. Unwittingly, The Citizen and his mouth and his very talented tongue make the most of the situation to show quite how desperate he is – the poor old fart is beyond freaking horny. Citizen Abels is off to the races again – going (down) nowhere fast – and takes the time to explain how you too can get off in the purple squirts just like Prince on the down low with a transvestite groupie. Boy, those were the days. Take advantage of enjoying The Citizen as he displays his sexual ineptness and reveal his penis is nothing to look at, and certainly, nothing to talk about. You have nothing but your panties to lose and a coupon code for adameve.com to use. Yes, just stick “CITIZEN” in your box at checkout as you check out the show. “I Am Citizen Abels” (www.iamcitizenab