I Am Citizen Abels

Unboxing Dollar Shave Club & Harry’s Shaving Samplers For A Close Shave



Our ever-horny and now desperate but determined friend, The Citizen, takes the opportunity in this latest episode of “I Am Citizen Abels” to unbox shaving sampler kits from Dollar Shave Club and Harry’s. The Citizen reveals that his closest shave actually came when he was married – Satan took all of his money but he escaped with his life. The fun aside, Citizen Abels actually shaves on this show – a miracle of sorts for someone who had alopecia (another show to come about that). And he also dons nipple covers made from painter’s blue tape. What can you do when you’re desperate and lonely? Take the time to put a smile on someone else’s face and teach them a little bit about life. Enjoy this great new episode of “I Am Citizen Abels,” and remember there’s no business like show business. “I Am Citizen Abels” (www.iamcitizenabels.com) is a YouTube show and podcast starring David Abels, and a copyrighted production of Four Strong Media LLC. You can listen to Citizen Abels on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcas