I Am Citizen Abels

Is Coronavirus China's Biowarfare Against The U.S.?



No joking on this episode of “I Am Citizen Abels.” Because The Citizen is asking questions like The Riddler trying to pick up a joker in a downtown bar. And not only is our fearless friend asking questions, he’s asking whether the Chinese government has started a biowar by unleashing the Coronavirus on the Western world. Everyone knows we live in a politically correct world where we don’t see color – not black, not white, not yellow, not red. But this time, America and the rest of the world may need to wake up. Wake up and see things are not quite as clear as a wonton on a plate with soy sauce on the table. Wake up, America. Wake up, world. This could be the… “I Am Citizen Abels” (www.iamcitizenabels.com) is a YouTube show and podcast starring David Abels, and a copyrighted production of Four Strong Media LLC. You can listen to Citizen Abels on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Last.fm, YouTube, Vimeo, or on your favorite podcast app or website. Follow The Citizen on Facebook, Twitter, and his other