Blanket Fort

26. We're not Preppers



 This week the Blanket Term Team talk about hydroponics, supply and demand of medical supplies, and how ARE NOT PREPPERS. .  .we're prepping enthusiasts. Dawn introduces 4 more plant pets to the house, brandon and allen reveal they're ship name, albert lulls into sweet teeth dreams. Its a real blast. You can check out everything Blanket Term does over at [] ( Questions via Twitter, Discord, or email us at (put "Blanket Fort" in the subject line).**Hosts**  Albert: [Twitter]( Joe: [Twitter]( Atkinson: [Twitter](\_Sl0th)Dawn Gardner: [Twitter](**Mixing and Audio Editing**Allen Joe**Album Art**Dawn Gardner**Producer**Allen Joe**Executive Producer**Dawn Gardner**Music Used**Bits by MossBafiaAccidental Funk(instrumental) by Aussens@iterAll music used under creative commons license via ccMixter"We're totally