Brian P Alvarez

The Power of Believing in Others - What's your mark?



A tribute to my good friend, Pastor Heber Porras. Heber Porras was my friend, mentor, and Pastor. He was one of the firsts to take me under his wing and teach me all that he knew. The biggest mark that he left was the gem of believing in me. He knew and recognized my gifts, gave me the opportunity to practice them at his church and gave me the platform to showcase them. My gifts at that time were to direct and tell stories, so he pushed me ot start a drama dept. and host a live show, using his stage. After we wrote our first story, he allowed me to host the live show on a Friday night instead of the usual service, this was already a big deal, most Pastors would not allow this to happen. The show was such a success that we had to host 2 shows that night and extend it to the next day. This sparked something inside of me to pursue creative arts and later pushed me to discover my passion for film and storytelling. A small amount of belief and opportuni