Diamond Factory

2020 - 1-27 Ben Perkus Science Of Effective Goal Setting



OurSimpleTraining.com presents the MONDAY NIGHT CALL The Science of Effective Goal Setting w/ Dr. Benjamin Perkus End of January and still spinning your wheels on how you’re going to attain your 2020 goals? One month down, 11 to go before we ring in 2021 and the time goes lightening fast. Are you on track RIGHT NOW? 80% of people fail to keep their New Years Resolutions & Goals. Why? Because the root cause for reason they haven’t achieved those goals in the past haven’t been dug up and pulled out. Doing some daily mantras and applying oils can help, but a subconscious shift is what is needed. On this Monday Night Call, we have on Dr. Benjamin Perkus – the creator of Aroma Freedom Technique. He’s going to cover the “Science of Effective Goal Setting” so that THIS year is a victory, not failure to reach your ranking up and personal goals. What you’ll learn about the “Science of Effective Goal Setting” using Aroma Freedom Technique: -What kind of goals lead to higher performance in yourself a