In A Weekend With Yong Pratt

Using Text to Multiply Your Message



[0:03 Now that you've turned your video content into audio content, what else can you do with that content?[0:11] Well today we're going to dive in to the third piece of our five part framework to talk about how and why you want to turn your video and audio in to text.[0:25 ]Are you ready to dive in?[0:28] Welcome to the In A Weekend Podcast where we help you Simplify, Automate, and Leverage the often hidden assets (like your kids) in your business. I'm your host, Yong Pratt, and I am thrilled you are tuning in today.[0:46] If you happened to miss any of the previous episode where we talked about audio and video, you definitely want to go back and listen to get a full picture of all the steps that we go through for all of our content.[1:03] If you haven't already grabbed our free five part framework, you can do so on today's show notes at[1:16] Today we're going to talk about text, and three ways you can use text that you get from your audio and video content.[1:28] The three reasons, you w