In A Weekend With Yong Pratt

What legacy do you want to leave?



[0:04] Yesterday, on my weekly Wednesday live on Facebook, I asked you the question, "What legacy Do you want to leave?"[0:13] Legacy isn’t something that most of us think about all that often. [0:27] It’s time to think beyond goals and think legacy...are you ready? [1:21] If you're just starting out on your podcasting journey, grab Yong’s free guide: 11 Stunningly Simple Secrets to Launch your Podcast Today at  [1:56] Podcast planning and philosophical questions  [2:08] Is it worth it? [2:30] Am I making a difference? [2:52] Am I helping enough people with my gifts and knowledge? PLUS Yong’s public declaration for the next year. [3:36] After philosophy comes practicality and questions to ponder as the year comes to a close:[3:49] Did I meet my goals? [3:51] What new goals do I want to set in the new year? [3:55} What can I do with the remaining days and weeks to meet any unmet goals, or even surpass them? [4:02] All the questio