Terry Third Thursday

Andy Lipman: Motivational Speaker, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation



The director of purchasing at DiversiTech, Lipman has defied all odds to become a college graduate, Olympic-torch bearer, community advocate, husband and father. His experiences dealing with the genetic disorder inspired him to write Alive at 25: How I'm Beating Cystic Fibrosis, and the novel A Superhero Needs No Cape. His most recent book, The Drive at 35, describes his journey of discovering how to beat cystic fibrosis mentally as well as physically. In 2000 Andy started the Wish for Wendy Softball Challenge in memory of his older sister, who died from cystic fibrosis. In 15 years, the event has raised nearly $2 million in order to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. In 2012, Andy was chosen as one of the UGA Alumni Association's 40 under 40. Last year, he received the Inspiritor Award at the Turknett Leadership Awards. He currently serves on the board of directors of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of Georgia, the first CF patient ever to do so, and is also a board member of the University of Georgia'