The Simms And Lefkoe Podcast

NFL Week 3 Recap: Are Patriots Actually In Trouble!? Josh Allen Breakdown, Jason Kelce Interview



It's our Week 3 recap! On today's pod, the guys discuss how Bill Belichick will fix the Patriots (6:45); how Carson Wentz looked in his return to the field (30:07); Jimmy G's injury (32:40); whether the Chiefs and Rams offenses can keep this pace (38:45); Drew Brees' impressive play so far this season (45:00); Josh Allen's first road start against the Vikings (59:30); what happened to the Jags offense (1:14:20); and whether the Giants are showing signs of life (1:21:05). Also on today's pod, Jason Kelce joins (14:00) to talk about Carson's return, the last time he had a fight with his brother Travis, and much more. Enjoy the show, and don't forget to leave us a 5-star review on iTunes! via Knit