Quest 4 Quality with Joe Higgins

07 Leadership - The Power of Positivity - Part 02



Every time I look up the characteristics of great leaders, the power of a positive mental attitude is usually in the first tier. There is no doubt that positive leaders have the capability to bring up an entire organization and conversely a negative individual can bring down a company.  Great leaders make the choice to be in a good mood, to find solutions to problems and not place blame, they motivate employees and inspire those around them and they work to help others become the best leaders possible.  In this podcast you will learn the difference between personal power and position power. I talk about overcoming fears and ways that you can make a weakness, that you have carried all of your life, into a strength. We all have the ability to make everyday a great day by taking that next step and deciding that we are going to make a difference in the world through our attitude.