Full Time Hustle

Ep 01: Hit it off with every client



Hey guys, and welcome to our very set of show notes for Full Time Hustle Podcast!It’s easy to have a great relationship with nearly anyone when you have things in common, but when you don't have any rapport, what next? If you are going to get along and have successful relationships with clients you need to have some common ground regardless of how different you are. Here are our tips to quickly create a friendly, business client connection-- one that could be the beginning of a long-lasting client relationship.Here are the show notes: Don't Overdo It. We don't have to be best friends with everyone to run a business, but we do have to serve our clients and serve them well! The hardest thing for us is when a client doesn’t talk much. It's okay, though-- it’s just a personality difference, and it’s not a bad thing.  If your client isn't chatty, don't force conversation. Respect their time and leave space in the conversation for them to speak.Keep it Simple: Give a Compliment. Find something visible that you like