Full Time Hustle

Ep 02: 5 Practical + free ways to grow your business



People sometimes skip over the basics.  We think that marketing is all about social media posts, taking out ads, and hosting a booth at trade shows. But really, the basics are free!  Sure, you might need additional forms of paid advertising, but don't skip over the free stuff-- it's valuable! 1) Make a plan.  Even if you have to change your plan one week later, at least you have a plan to change. You're not going to be motivated every chance you get to work, so having a plan makes sure that you know what to do when inspiration runs dry. 2) Put yourself out there.  In every way, entrepreneurship means putting yourself out there. You're going to have to make sales to survive and to grow your business, and that unfortunately involves rejection too. Expect that there will be lots of rejection, but choose to put yourself out there anyway. One of the best things we've done for our business is to be active in our community. People know us and trust us, and it really gives our business a leg up. This doesn't mean you