Full Time Hustle

Ep 05: Self Care for the Entrepreneur



Taking care of yourself falls by the wayside as an entrepreneur, especially the first 5 years in business.  But it's important to sneak it in or block off time to relax and care for yourself so that you don't burn out.  Today we talk about some ways that we make sure to squeeze in that time, and exactly how much time we each take to focus on ourselves! Connect with us for access to more resources about business + life! Facebook Group →  https://www.facebook.com/groups/190904694978305/ Instagram→ https://www.instagram.com/fulltimehustlepodcast/ Facebook Page →  https://www.facebook.com/fulltimehustlepodcast Email updates →  http://eepurl.com/dhtp3H 17hats → https://www.17hats.com/card/fulltimehustle 17hats has been crucial for growth in our business.  It helps us organize clients in an easy way, and handles all our invoicing and contracts.  We want to share it with you!  Click here for a 17 day free trial and 10% off your purchase.