Full Time Hustle

Ep 07: How to Work Faster



It was a few years ago when I first started hearing the word workflow everywhere. It sounded so trendy and I wasn't quite sure what it meant. But these days it is what gets me through the work day, and speeding it up means speeding up my work day! Here are our favorite tips for speeding up your workflow: - Protect work time - Go to a quiet place - Disconnect your internet - Freedom app (Tim Ferris recommends) https://freedom.to/ - Be flexible so you don't begin to dread work. Sometimes you have to stop working, in order to increase overall productivity. - Set deadlines, then stick to them. - Time + track yourself. Trello.com is a great FREE resource! - Amanda Hedgepeth Lifeflow Lists- they're great for keeping you on track when your mind starts to wander! And they give you a great model for creating a business workflow. amandahedgepeth.com/printshop Enter coupon FULLTIMEHUSTLE right now for a 30% discount! Connect with us for access to more resources about business + life! Facebook Group → facebook.