Full Time Hustle

Ep 08: Working When you Feel Like a Failure



Today we're talking about Working when you feel like a failure. There are days and moments while building a business that you just don't feel inspired to work and grow. We're sharing some practical tips to help you push through those times. - Do concrete things, not creative needs. It's so helpful to have a written workflow during times like this. When I'm uninspired and just want to nap, I'll look at my workflow list and just start checking things off. Mileage, taxes, responding to emails, paying bills, returning phone calls-- these are just a few things to get you started on this list. - Get out -- go to a coffee shop, library, beach, etc to work if you're able. Just shake it up a little. - Take time off. It's not always possible, but sometimes taking the evening or a few days off will refresh you enough to make you enjoy working again, therefore working faster than if you hadn't stopped. - Work through your feelings. WHY are you feeling like a failure? Is this feeling going to last for a day or is it a