The Igh Podcast

Episode 11: Avian Malaria in UK Zoos



Malaria is a disease usually associated with the tropics. However, avian malaria, caused by similar parasites, is distributed worldwide with the exception of Antarctica. Avian malaria is spread by biting mosquitoes. The impact of the disease on bird populations varies. Some birds will not show any symptoms, but other populations can be driven to extinction by avian malaria. Zoos in particular have suffered from avian malaria outbreaks. London Zoo lost six penguins in 2012 and Longleat took the decision to close their penguin exhibit in 2018 after a second outbreak called into question the viability of keeping penguins. Despite these problems, little is known about the distribution of mosquitoes around zoos and their ability to infect birds with avian malaria. This month we spoke to Arturo Hernandez Colina about his work looking into avian malaria in the UK.