I Am Citizen Abels

Julian Assange & Globalists George Soros, The Rockefellers & Rothschilds



Everyone knows The Citizen is a sucker for a good story. Because you know he’s got a million stories and they’re all true.™ So, on this episode of “I Am Citizen Abels,” The Citizen and friend, conspiracy theorist, and true believer, Ken Perry, talk about globalism, the “globalists”, and one of their supposed enemies – Julian Assange. Perry gets some good shots in at a bunch of globalists that many like him are on a constant mission to control the world. They include the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Cecil Rhodes, Julian Huxley, and the infamous George Soros. Listen, The Citizen is not in the know when it comes to these people. Do your best for God and his county – and of course, for your friend The Citizen, and listen, enjoy, and most importantly, subscribe. Who do you think you’re fooling? “I Am Citizen Abels” (www.iamcitizenabels.com) is an internet radio show starring David Abels, and a copyrighted production of Four Strong Media LLC. You can listen to Citizen Abels on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Po