Venus Warriors Podcast | Liz Lima

Episode #48 | My 5 Secrets To Achieve Anything



Episode #48 | My 5 Secrets To Achieve Anything   Show Transcription:   Fall is by far one of the busiest times of the year.  Kids are going back to school and you finally feel like you can get back into a routine.  What does this mean?  You need to set aside time RIGHT NOW to plan out your goal that you want to achieve in the next few months.  Because before you know it….it’s New Year’s Eve and you’re freaking out about RESOLUTIONS and nothing changed from then to now! The time to plan for your goals is NOW and it’s time to take ACTION!    PLAN and ACT. A goal is a dream written down, right?  Well it’s a useless piece of paper if you don’t do anything with it!  Write all that shit down and it will just show up…. Nope.  Unless you actually follow through with your plan, even the best ideas in the world won’t become reality.   That’s why your CALENDAR and YOUR SCHEDULE are the most important accessories for the next few months.   I am going to