Think Of The Children

Episode 11 - Eating all the Cordyceps



The office is very hot and we probably both have heatstroke, so the format is a little different this week. We roll all of our ideas together into one hot, sticky mess that just gets... everywhere. Also if you actually wanna remake The Last Jedi, this one probably ain't for you. Just a heads up, Currently Brainstorming: Arguing about Mass Effect Fields, Dr. Little's Retro Meme Machine, Star Wars Hot Takes, Willem DaFoe in Drag, +3 Incest Modifiers, Jay grows as a person, Bad Texan Accents, and PewDiePie presents: Treasure Planet, A D&D Actual Play Series (Youtube Red Original). Music: Intro: Baffy, Money Man Outro: Baffy, Purple Wine Used under Creative Commons Twitter: @totccast Email: Patreon: