Think Of The Children

Episode 22 - Sonic the Orphan



A day late, sure, but we still here! Jay is back and has virtually nothing to contribute. This week, we sell out, invent a new type of nature documentary, introduce a new segment and break a few eggs. Currently Brainstorming: Hot Otaku, Phantom Flatmates, Sexual Congress, Mini? Cheddars, Radioactive Spider Cum, Holy St. Brendan, No Blood, Just Spiders, Owen potentially ruins his life, Shit-Eatin' Tim, McHacks, Reggie Fils-Amie Mech Suit, Pulling a Jay, Grapes, Just straight up pornography, & The Magic Omlette Music: Intro: Baffy, Money Man Break: Baffy, The Numberless Circling Cows of the Crop (Cow Pie) Outro: Baffy, Purple Wine Used under Creative Commons Twitter: @totccast Email: Patreon: