The Simon Lovell Show

My Story – Bullying, Addictions, Debt, To Millions & Finding Fun Again #1



From bulling to $50k of debt, gambling and drugs to turning it all around, this is my raw story that I hope will help you.  Thank you so much for checking out this episode of the show. It means so much to me that you have taken the time out of your day to listen to me. 0:55 – Intro. 1:15 – Simon sets the scene and explains the reasons for his new podcast show. 2:20 – Simon’s mission with this show his to share his journey and help you with clarity, strategy and information to help you and your business. 4:35 – At 13, This one incident changed Simon’s life. 6:10 – Simon was bullied from 13 – 16. 6:45 – Simon loved video games and wanted to start a magazine with his passion for creating. 7:30 – Simon’s persistence and passion paid off when he got a job at 16 writing for a video game magazine. 8:50 – Simon met his first mentor at a martial arts class, which helped him build confidence. 9:50 – An addition to gambling, and drinking on a workday afternoon, began to lead Simon into debt. 11:00 – A