Fry And Cry

#12 - UP



It's the Season One FINALE of Fry and Cry! Oh you better believe we're going out with a BANG frybabies! Our heroes Evan and Erica are tackling Disney/Pixar's UP. This move takes no tear prisoners. You will BAWL. You will SCREAM. You will HUG ANYTHING NEAR TO YOU all in the first 10 minutes. Not even Erica "I don't cry at animated movies" Smocynski can resist. YOU READ THAT RIGHT!!!! Not only is the movie epic, but the adventure our heroes find themselves in is wild as well. Evan "the genius" Causey has converted the Fry and Cry studio into a flying machine which due to circumstances that are NOT HIS FAULT falls out of the sky leaving our favorite people (and cat) trapped in the JUNGLE! It's ok though, because they are too busy CRYING over the pure, sweet BEAUTY of the most emotionally enriched animated film of ALL time to fight about it...for the most part.