Getting Ready With Josh Nasar

Actor and stand up comedian Mary Lynn Rajskub



  How to get ready for a late night TV set How to book TV shows How to book movies Comedian, TV Host and motivational speaker Josh Nasar interviews doctors, lawyers, fellow comedians, pro athletes and other successful people to find out what they do to get ready for their success. He's delves deep to find out the exact specifics that set them apart and makes them winners. Mary Lynn Rajskub is an American actress, stand up comedienne and singer who is best known as a co-star of Kiefer Sutherland on the popular television series 24. While she has been mainly a television star, Rajskub also just recently shot the smash hit movie, Night School (2018). She also has played bit parts on the big screen in Magnolia (1999), Man on the Moon (1999), Road Trip (2000), among her other works. She offered mesmerizing performances in Mysterious Skin (2004), Sweet Home Alabama (2002), and in Punch-Drunk Love (2002), then played a few more visible roles such as Janet Stone in Firewalls(2006), opposite Harrison Ford, and as Pam