I Am Citizen Abels

Is Donald Trump “The Chosen One” Or Is He Just Crazy As Hell?



As everyone who’s anyone knows, our friend The Citizen is “the chosen one” no matter what the crowd at the convenience store says. But on this episode of “I Am Citizen Abels,” The Citizen and ardent Donald Trump supporter Ken Perry discuss whether Mr. Trump is as he and two other people say, “the chosen one” who is like the second coming of God to the people of Israel. Oy. Is there anything else that people can talk about besides crazy men and Chinese tariffs. Well, leave that up to Citizen Abels. “I Am Citizen Abels” (www.iamcitizenabels.com) is an internet radio show starring David Abels, and a copyrighted production of Four Strong Media LLC. You can listen to Citizen Abels on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Last.fm, YouTube, Vimeo, or on your favorite podcast app or website. Follow The Citizen on Facebook, Twitter, and his other social media pages. Four Strong Media LLC. High art of the lowest order.™