I Am Citizen Abels

Mounting An LCD, LED Or Roku TV On Your Wall Using A Wall Mounting Kit



While his kids, family, friends, neighbors, and the rest of the world think Citizen Abels is an idiot and a moron (an idiot and a moron?), our fearless friend sets out to prove them wrong as he takes on the task of mounting a TV on his son’s bedroom wall using a TV wall mounting kit. And lo and behold, The Citizen does it!!! So can you. But only – of course – if you watch this episode of “I Am Citizen Abels,” in bold, living color and high-def. OMG!!!   “I Am Citizen Abels” (www.iamcitizenabels.com) is an internet radio show starring David Abels, and a copyrighted production of Four Strong Media LLC. You can listen to Citizen Abels on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Last.fm, YouTube, Vimeo, or on your favorite podcast app or website. Follow The Citizen on Facebook, Twitter, and his other social media pages. Four Strong Media LLC. High art of the lowest order.™