Rooted In Reason With Becca Lynn Johnson

Sheli Gartman: We've Gotta Make This Life Worth Living



I can’t think of a better come-back podcast than this interview I had with CEO/Founder of Women Ignite International, Sheli Gartman.  I had the privilege of having coffee with Sheli a couple of months ago and she poured some much-needed belief into my life exactly when I needed it most. I have often spoken the words “it’s okay to lean on the belief of others while you grow your own” and she’s a true example of fulfilling that role in my life. As the bio of her website reads: “Sheli Gartman (“Sheli G”) has been inspiring and educating businesses, teams and individuals for the past 15 years. She loves people and is constantly inspired by the souls that come into her life and seeing their potential bloom and brighten the world.  Sheli is an international speaker, dynamic business consultant, and personal development facilitator. From large to small businesses, entrepreneurs, and non-profits, Sheli engages and challenges her audiences with the tools and methods to activate their highest strengths for lasting resu