The Igh Podcast

Episode 7: Discovering Measures to Prevent Dog Bites



Dogs are currently the most popular pet in the UK forming 26% of the pet population. Pet ownership has been associated with health benefits such a reduced blood pressure, increased exercise and reduced feelings of loneliness. However, dog bites are also believed to be on the increase and, over the last five years, Merseyside has become the dog bite capital of the UK with the greatest number of dog related hospital admissions per 100,000 population. Recently reported figures suggest that at least 20 people are hospitalised due to dog bites every day in England and Wales. Dog bites can have a devastating impact on all parties involved. Most obviously, the person bitten is left with a physical injury and, perhaps a lasting fear of dogs. These can lead to personal economic losses through time off work. The dog itself is often euthanised after a serious bite which in turn impacts the owner. Even if the dog isn’t euthanised, it may be confiscated or given up to a shelter since the owner feels they can no longer