Journey To $100 Million

How to Take Advantage of Unexpected Situations



While Erik and Kevin were standing in line for the bathroom on a plane ride to Orlando, an unexpected situation hit them by surprise. A random woman asked them about their Array Digital t-shirts, and from there an opportunity had risen. This woman happened to be a sales representative from Orlando in the billboard industry - and a great resource to potentially have. On today’s episode of Journey to $100 Million, listen in as Erik describes this situation he found himself in, and how he conquered it! As you may know, we are continually expanding to Orlando, and are trying to find individuals to help us grow our connections in the region. This woman ended up being a great connection, all stemming from a random conversation! Want to hear more about this story? Tune into today’s episode! — Erik Olson is an award-winning digital marketer & entrepreneur. The Founder & CEO of Array Digital, he is also the host of the Journey to $100 Million Flash Briefing and daily podcast, and the organizer of the Marke