Pac Insights

Dr. Carlos Gonzalez Advocates for Healthy Practices



Dr. Carlos M. Gonzalez is a Nationally Board Certified Chiropractor and has been in private practice since 1991. Dr. Gonzalez has produced and hosted live radio talk shows, has appeared on local TV numerous times and regularly testifies in court as an expert witness. Dr. Gonzalez has authored over one hundred articles on wellness, anti-aging, inversion, fitness, weight loss, holistic healing, pain relief, women’s issues, preventative care and many more topics. He will be releasing his first book Hanging Out  For The Health Of It –How Inversion Can Cure Your Back Pain! Seminars and Health Coaching programs will soon follow. Dr. Gonzalez posts daily on Facebook and you can Like and follow him on his fan page at Dr. Carlos M. Gonzalez and his personal page Carlos M. Gonzalez. He is a big promoter of teaching people how to take responsibility for their health and be their own best doctor.