Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

LJ Morning Sparkle Finishing up Esther



What’s up Diamonds, How are you today on this beautiful Wednesday morning Welcome to be LJ Morning Sparkle this is my Wednesday life improvement show. Today we are finishing the book of Esther this book is full of surprises full of drama, suspense, rumors and gossip you name it it's right there in the good book. I tell you there is truly nothing that is going on now that has not gone on during biblical days. We made dress different our hair may be a little different, the shoes we wear and the music we listen to may be different, but the earth has told these stories so many times. And for each time it does a scripture is played and repeated there is truly nothing new under the sun. So, join me as we finish the book of Esther on today and as usual, I hope that you learn a lesson as I always do or that your life is blessed.  I hope that I have said something to inspire you to take the fear away and to help you to walk out in faith a little more and a little stronger.  And for those wanting wars, not every fight