Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

LJ Morning Sparkle "Daniel" Part 3



Good morning Diamonds, I am now in part 3 of the book of Daniel and it is as exciting for me as any story that I would watch on cable or see in the movies. I am learning so much about myself finding faults within me that I did not know were there. I pray that I take the new found revelations within myself and use them correctly, will they make me perfect? No, because there was only one perfect being. But they can help me to make better choices in my life even when I don't want to make those choices. We tell our kids to make better choices but think about it do we really make better choices in our own lives? I also pray for strength along the way.  What I am finding out about Daniel is not only was he faithful but he was brave and strong in his faith, he loved God and as a result he was blessed bountifully.   I am also learning about pride in areas I did not know was considered as prideful, learning more about how to handle those who think and want to have control over me or my family. Daniel was definitely