Wmma Jam Live

MMA Jam Session 1-on-1 with Burt Watson



On this very special episode of MMA Jam Session, we have Burt Watson, one of the strongest profiled people MMA Jam Session will have the pleasure to introduce to you, the fans. If you are a big name fighter, you have heard of Burt. Over the years, this velvety voiced gentleman has made a name for himself, and after making that name, he worked to make that same name unforgettable. In this 30 minutes or so, Myself, Cole Vick, will take friends and fans of fighting, as well as fans of the Great One, Burt Watson on a journey into one of the greatest minds in all of MMA!! This is MMA Jam Sessions, I am Cole Vick. The show is produced by The Man/Myth/Legend Jay General.