Ready To Unload: With Cal & Sanpete

RTU: NY Sports Talk Radio Show - 9/16/10



Ready to Unload Ep. 3, as Cal said last night, will forever be known as the tornado episode. Our fearless coh-ost Sanpete battled mother nature last night just to make it back to his home. Fortunately, Dr E Ray was able to put aside his usual facebook surfing to join Cal for 2 hours of Jet bashing, Yankee talk and even a little college football. Yes you heard me, college football. Sanpete, the true professional that he is, made it in for the funload where the boys tried to figure out why its just not worth it to see NFL games live anymore. Hopefully you’ll check out the show if you missed it, and we’ll be back live on Tuesday 9/21/10.