Ready To Unload: With Cal & Sanpete

Ready to Unload: with Cal and Sanpete - 1/27/11



Join the RTU Boys tonight for their first show of the new year... Cal, Sanpete and Dr. E Ray Stat will go over the crushing Jet loss in the AFC championship game, argue for and against the firing of Brian Schottenheimer and get ready for the Super Bowl they won't be watching. Plus, baseball is around the corner, and Brian Cashman might just be crazy... crazy like a fox! We'll take some calls, make some calls, and of course, The RTU: FUNLOAD... what to do, how to deal with the crushing loss for one of your teams. That's all tonight from 9:30 to 11:30... Ready to Unload with Cal and Sanpete... Talking Sports WITH you, not AT you...