Ready To Unload: With Cal & Sanpete

RTU: Sports Talk Radio #11-22 - Princess Gridiron



RTU: Episode #11-22: The Big Unload: WWTBDWJR or What Would the Boys do with Jose Reyes. Sanpete and Cal figure it out. Really. Yankees and the AJ Burnett discussion distract from the end of the Jorge Posada Show. Then the Boys discussed the narrative that states, in unwavering fashion, the Jets took a step back, and everything around the Giants "feels like '07". A great discussion about potentially having "Red Zone Coordinators" in the NFL. The RTU: Funload saw the fellas discuss players they love to hate, and never want to play on their team, Cal's "All-Never Mets" team, actors that we used to not like and now do, and the casting of RTU Productins first motion picture: Princess Gridrion, the story of a 15 year old girl who becomes an NFL Offensive Coordinator.