Ready To Unload: With Cal & Sanpete

RTU: Sports Talk Radio #11-28 - The perception is reality



  READY TO UNLOAD: with Cal & Sanpete Episode # 11-28, Wednesday September 28th, 2011 Cal, Sanpete and Dr. E Ray talk MLB collapses and who has more pressure: the chaser or the chasee, and the boys comment on the MLB drama as it unfolds, then wonder aloud if the Braves el foldo will affect them the same way 07 Mets one did. Dr. E Ray and Sanpete get into the 5th major sports argument in their 30 years as friends, and for the 4th time it involves Jose Reyes, Cal and Sanpete deem Die Hard utterly rewatchable and a somehow a Christmas movie, Pop Culture PJ Glee's the joint up, the fellas decide that the Jets might want to do more than roll their helmets out on the field and expect to win, and Cal educates throughout the episode about the meaning of perception becoming reality... Plus, a miserable failure on intro music for Pop Culture PJ, and well placed Blazing Saddles sound bites.   STREAMING LIVE at and here on!