Ready To Unload: With Cal & Sanpete

RTU Sports Talk Radio #11-36 A Jimi Hendrix Thanksgiving



Ready to Unload: with Cal & Sanpete Episode #11-36 11/22/11 Here's some of what we talked:-The expansion of the MLB playoffs in 2012 and the new MLB CBA. Sounds boring, but it wasn't, as Cal and Sanpete genuinely (and gentlemanly) disagreed on something. -The return of the Swami; he picked the Thanksgiving games, and taught the boys a lesson in humility in sports. Downright educational.- The Jets and Mark Sanchez, who Sanpete is not giving up on, and the Giants and their second half woes. A caller chimes in to share his Giant thoughts. - Sanpete attempts to talk Cal down about the Islanders, fails miserably. -Thanksgiving and football memories. PJ and the corpulent Uncle, and why Cal associates Thanksgivng not with the Cowboys, but with Jimi Hendrix and VooDoo Child. You can subscribe to the Podcast by clicking the ITUNES Icon in the BTR Player!