Ready To Unload: With Cal & Sanpete

RTU: Podcast - #3.06 - So Long, Kid



  Ready to Unload: with Cal & Sanpete NY SPORTSTALK RADIO SHOW / PODCAST   #3.06 - 2.16.12 Here's what we talked about:  - We were all set to talk Jeremy Lin and the Knicks like any self-respecting NY Sportstalk podcast would be these days, but the sad news that Gary Carter had succombed to brain cancer caused us to reflect on the baseball great, and share Kid Carter memories for the first hour or so. -Then we talked about LinSanity and how it has us actually watching the Knicks and why, and Pop Culture PJ comes dangerously close to getting fined and suspended from a show that he volunteers to do. Ready to Unload, the PODCAST is NOW AVAILABLE (for free) at the Itunes Store! Search "ready to unload" and subscribe! Gonna be bigger than the microchip...