Ready To Unload: With Cal & Sanpete

RTU: Podcast - #3.08 - The Walk and Talk



  Ready to Unload: with Cal & Sanpete NY SPORTSTALK RADIO SHOW / PODCAST Episode #3.08 - The Walk and Talk 3.1.12 Here's a bit of what we talked about: The ball got rolling with a discussion of the February Sports Dead Zone ending with March beginning, which led to both Walken impressions and Sports Night by Aaron Sorkin talk, where Sanpete did an impromptu Sorkin "Walk and Talk". Cal then told us all about Parent-Child Sports night, and the secret of parenting. Literally. Hint: it's a Microsoft product. Cal and Sanpete both provided valuable The More You Know type promos. We then tackeld the Mets and Yanks in Spring training, and Cal learned Sanpete already caved on his vow to not spend money on the Mets, getting both a new hat AND opening day tickets. We talked MLB playoffs expansion, Ryan Braun, and then in the RTU: Funload: A plea for MLB players to wear their hat's correctly, followed by us sending back the soup.