Ready To Unload: With Cal & Sanpete

RTU: Podcast #3.11 - Technical Tebow Difficulties



  Ready to Unload: with Cal & Sanpete NY SPORTSTALK RADIO SHOW / PODCAST Episode #3.11  -Technical Tebow Difficulties 3/22/12 Here's a bit of what we talked about: Tim Tebow's a NY Jet, and the boys spent a good amount of time talking about it. We battled through a temperamental night from Skype and had some tech difficulties that have be cleaned up when Pop Culture PJ gets back from Beautiful Mount Airy Lodge, then took on our problems with conflict resolution in a sports chat room. It also turns out we all do a passable Walter Matthau impression. We had a great discussion on the negativity contained in and antagonistic bent of media coverage of the "little brother" teams in NYC, and how your friends seemingly taking joy out of your misery and consternation concerning the teams you root for is getting more than a little tough to take. Check out past episodes on Itunes. Search "ready to unload" and download any episode...They're particularly good with a light cabernet.