Ready To Unload: With Cal & Sanpete

RTU: Podcast #3.21 - RTU: The Movie



  Ready to Unload: with Cal & Sanpete  Episode #3.21 - RTU: The Movie Here's a bit of what we talked about: -- THE BIG UNLOAD: Took a while to get there, after Sanpete's rambling Mike Tyson/Gary Payton NBA All Star Game party story, but when we did, we talked Mets and Yankees 50 games into this, and dispelled the Omar gets credit notion. -- Somehow we talked about "Cop and 1/2". A lot. But in a good way. -- Credit given in bucketfulls to Jeff Cappelini @greenlanternjet on twitter, for his fantastic piece on the Jets offseason, and the narrative Jet fans are beign forced fed. --And we talked about last  Sunday's New York Daily News, where two columnists, 5 pages apart, completely contradicted each other about how the Sanchez-Tebow situation is going to be reported on in training camp and then had Dr. E Ray Stat let us in on a great quote from Bill Polian that backed us up on the subject. -- Why is the pomposity and bluster of John Tortorella "refreshing and honest" to some, yet the pomp