Ready To Unload: With Cal & Sanpete

RTU: Podcast #3.23 - Bro it Down



Ready to Unload: with Cal & Sanpete Episode #3.23 - Bro it Down Here's a bit of what we talked about: -- THE BIG UNLOAD: RA Dickey pitched one of the best games in Mets history last night, and it seems the story is simply about how Mets have appealed the hit/error ruling. Cal is fed up with it. -- Sanpete's wife completely destroys his perception that he knows a lot about baseball, when she asked why does an error count as an o-fer. -- We all did Robert Loggia impressions. --  “Everything about (Swisher) is annoying, from his mannerisms to his always wanting to ‘bro’ it down,” an unnamed American League veteran told the magazine. “Being around him is just exhausting.”  We discussed what the hell bro'ing it down might be. -- PJ talks about revealing his navel during band gigs. Sanpete wonders if Bono did the same thing to kill time between songs. -- Darelle Revis seems to be leaning towards holding out again. Sanpete thinks it might best thing that could happen to the Jets in Training