Ready To Unload: With Cal & Sanpete

RTU: Podcast #3.24 - Subway Stories Radio Hour



Ready to Unload: with Cal & Sanpete Episode #3.24 - Subway Stories Radio Hour Here's a bit of what we talked about: -- THE BIG UNLOAD: After a discussion about Italian Grandmothers and the house coats, we moved on to the big unload, a great discussion about unwritten rules in baseball, and the feud between Joe Maddon and Davey Johnson. This accidentally led to PJ's first solo segment... -- ... where he listed and discussed with us as an audience real life unwrittern rules. Things like which urinal to use when there are three empty ones, or never take camera to a bachelor party. Damn funny stuff from Bishop. -- We talked Mets and Yankees both on the field and off, on the dawn of Subway Series Part II. Before the dawn of 'istory. -- ...quién es mas macho... senor Lamas, o Montalbon... -- RA Dickey's success is being written off as a gimmick... Sanpete got a little riled up. Cal did too. But in a more French Canadian way. -- PJ's use of a "sounds of a Subway Platform" sound clip led us