Ready To Unload: With Cal & Sanpete

RTU: Podcast #3.29 - The Bloom is Off Our Roses



Ready to Unload: with Cal & Sanpete Episode #3.29   - The Bloom is off our Roses Here's a bit of what we talked about: After reminiscing about our recent 20 year reunion and doing David Brenner impressions (the two are related, somehow), we finally got to... THE BIG UNLOAD: So the Mets have imploded... it's a wreck. While overusing the cliché "the boom is off the rose", the guys talked about what has gone wrong with the Mets for the last two and half weeks, who is accountable, who had a motive and who should be here next year. Sanpete compares Don Mattingly and David Wrights careers, and wonders if there were calls to trade Don Mattingly to a winning team because "he deserved it". We also gave the Yankees a little bit of yapping as they traded for Ichiro. -- NFL Training Camps open today... and Jets are already Camp Chaos. We talked about how, to the media, it doesn't quite matter what the Jets actually say anymore. And we talked a little about, ya know, football... on a field... of grass. -- The