Ready To Unload: With Cal & Sanpete

RTU: Podcast #3.43 - Part 1 - A Tight Hour Fifteen



Ready to Unload: with Cal & Sanpete Episode #3.43 PART 1 - 11/21/12 Episode sponsored by: BLUE HAVEN- NYC Sports Bar After tripping the light fantastic with memories of going out on what I am now told is "Black Wednesday", making fun of what we wore, thought, drank, sang and cared about on nights before Thanksgiving in our careless 20's, and talking a little about food particulary Alici, or hairy fish, we got to: THE BIG UNLOAD: Mainly about RA Dickey winning the CY Young, his season in historical Mets context, Sanpete's crush on Jon Hamm, (we don't even call it a man crush anymore) what Dickey might fetch in a trade... Then, the great Trout v. Cabrera MVP discussion, also known as the "Jocks vs. The Geeks", and why Mike Trout was perhaps created in Bill James Laboratory, as he was the  Perfect Storm for traditional and advanced stats argument. A good talk about Diners and the golden rule of ordering in one... Then we got to the Jets, and, lo and behold, we were able to talk about football and not th