Digital Genius Radio: Social Media Paid Advertising

EP104 - Natalie Hodson takes on Vulnerability & Shame and how to win with Mario Kart (part 1 of 5)



Natalie opens up and gets vulnerable in this episode. Revisiting a time where she only had 3 months of rent left in her checking account and what she did next was not expected! Some people pee their pants and are ashamed. Natalie peed her pants and wrote a book and did over $1 million in sales in less than 5 months!  How is this possible?! Natalie tells us the secret is vulnerability! Tune in to learn more about the relationship between shame and vulnerability and how this will help you bring your marketing to the next level! If you love marketing and a good challenge! Check out our new 21 day challenge to start and/or take your business to the next level online: Don't Miss it! Register today to get in the next challenge! It's closing soon!